
Ubuntu in its own words

“Ubuntu Ubuntu 10.04 is now about five weeks away, which means
the announcement of Lucid+1 (our vote is still for Manky Monkey) is
around the corner. To kill the time between now and the
announcement of what’s to come in the next version, we decided to
take a look at the keywords used to describe previous Ubuntu
releases to see how priorities have changed over the years

“So, making use of the excellent Wordle, we made word clouds out
of the release announcements from Dapper Drake through to Lucid
Lynx – the bigger each word appears, the more it was mentioned. Can
you guess which one is which? To make things a little more
interesting, we’ve removed the Ubuntu distro code names (Dapper,
etc), which means you’ll have to use your cunning to figure it out.
To make things even more interesting, we’ve included five other OS
announcement word clouds after the Ubuntus – can you figure them
out too?”


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