“Universal Music might have to pay for pulling video of a
dancing baby off YouTube.“U.S. District Judge Jeremy Fogel ruled late Thursday that
Stephanie Lenz can get some limited recompense from the music label
for ordering YouTube to drop a 29-second video of her son dancing
to the music of Universal artist Prince.“Lenz still must prove her case before collecting anything. But
it appears to be the first answer to the question of how an
apparently ill-brought takedown notice should be punished under the
Digital Millennium Copyright Act.“”The decision is significant as the first one to construe the
question of how broadly the terms damages and fees should be
construed under the DMCA,” wrote Ian Ballon, Internet law expert at
Greenberg Traurig, in an e-mail.”
Universal May Have to Pay the Piper Over Takedown of Dancing Baby
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