
UNIXReview.com: Review: LindowsOS 4

“If you tune into Slashdot or any of the other high-tech
sources, you may have noticed that Microsoft Corporation, which has
emerged relatively unscathed from many titanic battles with
corporate giants and national governments, could very possibly
receive a crippling blow from an upstart company with the big idea.
That company is Lindows.com, and their big idea is that maybe the
name ‘Windows’ shouldn’t be protected by a trademark. The creators
of LindowsOS were so certain that Windows shouldn’t have a
trademark that they gave their product a name that infringes
directly on that trademark. And when the inevitable litigation
began, they didn’t flinch at a full-scale legal assault from a
company with the worlds largest cash reserves but, in fact, seemed
to take a certain relish in it. The copyright notice on their Web
site bears the words:

“‘Lindows is not endorsed by or affiliated with Microsoft
Corporation in any way–in fact, we don’t even really like them
because they are suing us…'”


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