
Up Close and Personal with LXDE

“To be sure, LXDE is nowhere near as responsive as Fluxbox,
OpenBox or many of the other ultra-light managers, but it is also
far more responsive than the other “tweener” window
manager, XFCE In a real sense, LXDE is what XFCE aspires to be.

“As with many things Linux, there is a healthy dose of good
along with bad. There aren’t very many distros that use LXDE
as the default interface (WattOS and Lubuntu come to mind, but
neither is quite ready for prime time.) I ended up using a
different distro (Linux Mint, im my particular case) and installing
LXDE via apt-get. Unfortunately, putting a window manager other
than the default in place means you have that much more setup to do
in order to enable basic functionality.”

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