
Upside: What makes software open source?

What’s the difference between a GPL-compatible and a
non-GPL-incompatible software license?”

“In the case of the version 1.6 license for Python, the
interpreted object-oriented language developed by Dutch hacker
Guido Van Rossum and the Free Software Foundation (FSF), the hacker
group charged with overseeing the Gnu General Public License (GPL),
the answer is: 20 words.

“Last week, the Python licensing debate heated up following the
release of Python 1.6 on Sept. 5. At the center of the debate is a
single “choice of law” clause inserted into the new license by the
Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI), the Reston,
Va.-based research lab which administers the Python 1.6

“The clause reads, “This License Agreement shall be governed by
and interpreted in all respects by the law of the State of


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