
Virtual PC Guide

[ Thanks to James
for this link. ]

“A virtual PC, or a PC with desktop virtualization
software, is an end-user implementation of virtual computing where
a desktop application (rather than a server) is used to emulate a
PC. The emphasis is on direct interaction with the virtualized
machine as if it were a local PC, rather than simply emulating
computing power to use server-based apps.

“irtual PC Practical Applications

“Some of the common users for virtual PC software include:

“Software testing / sandboxing

“A user may want to try out a piece of software in an isolated
fashion, to ensure that production systems or data aren’t
compromised. Once, this might have involved setting up a whole
separate physical machine to do the testing, or creating a separate
instance of an OS on the same machine (accessed via a

“In contrast, a virtual PC machine can run software—a
single program, an entire OS, both—in isolation, so that any
activity is confined to the virtual PC itself.”

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