“This is the second part of a three part article on building
‘Nefarious’, a AMD Athlon 64 box running Mandrake Linux 9.2 AMD64.
I stated in the first part, that I would be using Beta 3 of the
Mandrake 9.2 AMD build. As it always happens, mere seconds after I
had finished documenting the install of Beta 3, RC1 was released. I
re-installed with RC1, but since there where no major differences
between Beta 3 and RC1, you will see Beta 3 screenshots sprinkled
amount the RC1 shots.“Anywho, on to the installation.
“I started by downloading all three ISOs of Mandrake 9.2 AMD64
RC1 and burn them with K3b. If you haven’t used K3b yet, do so.
Next, I checked the BIOS to make sure it booted from the CD. The
K8V allows me to choose which CD/DVD is ‘primary’, so I switched
the DVD player to primary and dropped the CD in…”
Related Story:
Systems: Building ‘Nefarious’–Part 1: Assembly(Nov 06,