
X Server 1.4.1 Is Released, No Joke

[ Thanks to Michael Larabel for this
link. ]

“X Server 1.4.1 was originally scheduled to be released on the
first of November as a bug-fix release for X Server 1.4.0, which
was released in conjunction with X.Org 7.3. However, a delay had
pushed the planned X Server 1.4.1 release to November 11. When that
date had come X Server 1.4.1 was far from being ready. Then in
December there were two open bugs blocking this release, but still
no sign the release would be coming any time soon–the Wiki page
still reflected the early November launch. On December 15 was then
an X Server 1.4.1 Pre-Release, which gave us hope the final release
was near. However, much time had passed and X Server 1.4.1 still
wasn’t to be found.

“Today–just 212 days after the planned November launch date–X
Server 1.4.1 is finally released…!”

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