
Yahoo wins verdict in Bedrock patent trial

“The court docket indicates that on April 29, Bedrock settled
its claims against MySpace and AOL and then on May 9, just one day
before the Yahoo! verdict came through, also settled its claims
against Amazon.com and SoftLayer Technologies. Match.com had
already settled with Bedrock on March 28. By my score card, then,
that leaves just PayPal, CME, and CitiWare still defending against
Bedrock’s claims.

“Too bad the other defendants didn’t wait just a bit longer
before settling.

“That may not be entirely fair, since the amount of settlement
each defendant made with Bedrock in their respective settlements
was undisclosed. I am assuming Bedrock gave out some sort of
license to each defendant to use the hashing technique with
external chaining and on-the-fly removal of expired data asserted
in US patent 5,893,120. But that’s just an assumption, albeit one
very likely to be true”

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