“The original motivation for the Groklaw post was Novell’s
decision to ship a version of OpenOffice that includes support for
Microsoft’s new Office XML document format (recently ratified by
the ECMA), which is, apparently, like Barnes & Noble printing a
version of the Christian Bible containing the complete lyrics of
all the songs ever sung by Ozzy Osbourne. Mr. de Icaza’s responded
to this supposed ‘problem’ (or to be more specific, the contention
that the inclusion somehow forks OpenOffice).“The Open Office dust-up aside (and do read de Icaza’s response,
as it makes a lot more sense than the one over at Groklaw), I still
am annoyed at all the politically-directed venom spewed by FSF fans
over the Novell/Microsoft agreement…”
ZDNet: Stop Bashing the Novell/Microsoft Agreement
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