
ZDNet UK: Linux Shoot-Out: Red Hat 8.0 v SuSE 8.1

“Early Linux versions were burdened with an installation routine
that was far too technical for the vast majority of Windows users,
and getting the X Window graphical user interface up and running
often took both time and courage. Even when everything was working,
day-to-day Linux applications were much harder to use than their
Windows equivalents–just reading text on-screen was difficult,
thanks to X Windows’ spindly fonts.

“Things have changed. Two of the year’s most user-friendly Linux
distributions–SuSE Linux 8.1 and Red Hat Linux 8.0–have closed
the gap between Windows and Linux. For those with at least a few
years of PC experience, it’s now feasible to switch from Windows to
Linux or use both–either in a dual-boot environment or on separate
systems. So which of these alternatives should you choose? Read


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