[ Thanks to Chris
McDonough for this link. ]
“This How-To covers the use of Zope Enterprise Objects(ZEO) to
scale your Zope site.”
“Every small time web site dreams of getting big, but being
big does not come without its own headaches and challenges.
However, Zope will let you scale your site so that your site can
take the load and still give users good response time….“
“ZEO will help you scale your site and give redundancy/high
availability to your site too. Every Zope installation will be a
Client Storage (CS) that talks to the Zope Storage Server (ZSS).
Every CS will have its own object cache and will be able to work
independently of other CS.”
“You can have the CS cache in-memory or on the file system.
Every request will be taken from the cache, if available, and from
the ZSS if not. Modifications and additions will be sync to the
ZSS. ZSS will take care of the object validity.”