“10/10/10 was the cue for plenty of 10-related nonsense last
week, much of it scheduled — somewhat predictably — for 10:10
am.“Somewhat ironically, perhaps the least contrived event was the
release of Ubuntu 10.10 Server Edition, known as “Maverick
Meerkat.” New versions of Ubuntu are offered every six months, as
regularly as clockwork, and since the last version was released in
April, this one was always going to be in October. Still, it didn’t
stop Canonical, Ubuntu’s sponsor, from choosing the October 10 as
the precise release date for the server OS, just to get in to the
decimal groove.“Without getting too carried away with the 10 theme, here are 10
things you should know about Ubuntu 10.10 Server Edition:“1. This release of the open source server OS has a strong cloud
emphasis, aiming to make deployments to both public clouds — like
Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) — and private clouds more
10 Things to Know About Maverick Meerkat
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