“Coollogic Inc., a developer of embedded operating systems and
software solutions for the Internet appliance market, today
announced availability of the Coollinux AE (Appliance Edition)
software platform for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).”
“The Coollinux AE software platform is built around a core
operating system specifically designed for Internet appliances such
as digital set-top boxes, countertop devices, Web pads and thin
clients. By using Coollinux AE bundled with Coollogic custom
development, integration, support and service, OEMs experience
faster product time to market and therefore, a greater return on
“The typical Coollinux AE configuration would consist of a
completely integrated software stack containing a full-featured Web
browser, enhanced multi-media applications and plug-ins, instant
messaging and customer-specific user interfaces and portals. OEM
level support and service are also included.”