“Ever wondered how attackers know what ports are open on a
system? Or how to find out what services a computer is running
without just asking the site admin? You can do all this and more
with a handy little tool called Nmap.“What is Nmap? Short for “network mapper,” nmap is a veritable
toolshed of functionality to perform network scans. It can be used
for security scans, simply to identify what services a host is
running, to “fingerprint” the operating system and applications on
a host, the type of firewall a host is using, or to do a quick
inventory of a local network. It is, in short, a very good tool to
know.“It’s famous, too. Once you get to know Nmap a bit, you’ll
notice that it makes all types of cameo appearances in movies.“In this tutorial, I’ll cover some of the basics of using Nmap
and provide some examples you can use quickly.”
Beginner’s Guide to Nmap
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