“Red Hat India, a joint venture between Red Hat Inc. and Clover
Technologies, is eyeing the new server market in India to capture
50% of the market by this year-end. Red Hat Inc., the market leader
in Linux server software with 65 per cent market share worldwide,
has a 60 per cent stake in Red Hat India while the Indian partner
Clover Technologies holds the rest.”
“Set up in November 2000 and becoming fully operational in
January 2001, Red Hat India has been marketing its brand of Linux,
Red Hat Linux in the Indian sub continent and is providing support
and service to Linux users here. In a telephonic chat, Red Hat
India, director, Javed Tapia talked about the growth of Linux and
its potential in India.”
“…India has been quite in the forefront among the countries
adopting Linux. It sure has a tremendous back-end presence in
India, more in the data centers, ISPs and mail servers. But it has
not moved into business applications and mission critical