“The GNU General Public License was written to protect the
freedoms that have brought the world so many useful things,
including software like Linux and XBMC, from which Boxee has taken
its code base.“One of those essential freedoms is to be able to change
open-source software to make it better suit a purpose. It is
essential to the evolution of open-source projects that people are
free to take something and run with it as they see fit. This is how
Free Software has come so far. D-Link and Boxee have now played a
trick on the people who made it possible (developers and
customers), by trying to hide behind games and deceit to exert
control over your hardware.”
LWN has a few comments on the allegations as well
“Such violations are not generally noteworthy, but this
one, if true, is interesting in that it involves GPLv3-licensed
software and a user’s ability to install new