“Sometimes I hear my hardworking network and system
administrator chums dismissing Free and Open Source Software with
‘Spare me the philosophy junk. I just want good software, not a
sermon.’ I quite sympathize with the desire to avoid rants and
preaches. But I think it’s important to understand that the
philosophy behind Free Software is why the FOSS ecosystem is so
strong and vibrant, and produces such good-quality software, and is
so beneficial to end-users and developers.“Protecting user freedoms and the hard work of software
developers are the core principles of Free Software. In a world
where a typical commercial EULA springs from a rather
customer-unfriendly perspective, because it disavows the vendor of
all responsibility, carries no warranty, and dictates how you can
use the software, it seems that the friendlier GNU philosophy would
be more appealing than the values behind the typical EULAs we find
ourselves ‘agreeing’ to…”