“I’m sitting here at the Linux Enterprise Forum. Around me are
about 350 attendees, half from the government, half from the
corporate world; half with technical titles, half with management
titles. But it seems they all share the belief that Linux is the
enterprise operating system of today, not tomorrow.“These people do not have the religious zeal of Linux fans; they
are serious people doing serious work, and they have either already
deployed Linux in their enterprise or they’re about to. And don’t
mistake me: These are not executives and techs who are merely
putting Linux on the edge of their enterprise as Web servers. They
are not people who are simply deploying Linux as a dynamic host
configuration protocol (DHCP) or file/print servers with Samba. No,
these are people deploying Linux at the heart of their agencies or
companies.“And why shouldn’t they? Oracle (you know Oracle) is taking
everything, and I mean everything, it has from the core servers to
the desktop to Linux…”