“With eyes fixed on the burgeoning Linux enterprise market,
networking software specialist Novell on Tuesday announced plans to
shell out $210 million in cash to acquire Germany’s SUSE Linux
AG.“The SUSE acquisition is Novell’s second major deal in the
enterprise Linux space, coming just a few months after the purchase
of Ximian, a Boston, Mass.-based provider of Linux desktop,
management and groupware technologies.“Jack Messman, Novell chairman and CEO, said in a press
conference this morning, most of the 399 employees at SuSE Linux
would retain their jobs after the acquisition is completed, though
some of the overlapping administrative functions would be
eliminated. He emphasized the German headquarters for SUSE would
remain in place…”
Related Story:
Novell Announces Agreement to Acquire Leading Enterprise Linux
Technology Company SUSE LINUX(Nov 04, 2003)