
ITDirector.com: Linux Winning The War of Perception

[ Thanks to olivier
for this link. ]

“Linux,” says this column, “is beginning to look unstoppable
now,” thanks to support from IBM, a rapidly swelling applications
base, and uptake in the massive markets of China and India. Some
Friday optimism from the home of Father William:

“There are now only two obstacles standing in the path
of Linux dominance. One is the lack of applications and this is
being addressed faster than most people realise. The second is the
adoption of Linux by major corporates. And this too is happening.
Linux is slowly winning the crucial battles in the operating system
war and must be causing serious concern for both Microsoft and Sun

At the end of the day it is the applications that sell the OS
and it is the OS that sell the hardware. With its major investment
in Linux, IBM has asked a difficult question of of the other
hardware vendors and has, in the process pushed Microsoft onto the
back foot. Linux is beginning to look unstoppable now.”


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