
Linux 2.6.31’s best five features

[ Thanks to Steven J.
for this link. ]

“1) USB 3 Support. This is the big one. We’ve been
connecting our devices to our PCs with USB ports instead of serial
or parallel ports for some time now, and that’s been good. USB 2.0
has a maximum throughput of 480Mbps (Megabits per second). That’s
fast, but these days, when you might want to move a gigabyte plus
of movie from one device to another, it’s not fast enough. So, the
USB vendors have been working on USB 3.0, which is almost 10-times
faster than USB 2.

“…But now, Linux’s memory management has been improved so that
currently running programs stay on top of the list of active memory
pages. The bottom line is that on overloaded PCs, or just desktops
like netbooks with limited memory, you get much better performance.
Technical benchmarks show that netbook users and other people who
run Linux on limited memory systems can except to see a desktop
that’s up to 50% faster than it’s been in the recent past.”

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