“As the saying goes, “to make money, you have to have
money.” The same is true in the world of free software. So unless
you have a rich uncle willing to fund your free software dream,
you’ll need to find investors. The stunning growth of the high-tech
industry has wetted the collective mouth of the investment
community. Investors have formed organisations known as venture
capitalists, or VCs, who provide seed capital and management
direction for emerging startups.“
“VCs have helped to jumpstart many of the Internet companies we
know today. And now, with the mainstream emergence of GNU/Linux and
free software, these same VCs are poised to jumpstart the bulk of
tomorrow’s free software corporations. But more importantly, new
VCs have emerged, focusing primarily on funding ventures based on
free software and GNU/Linux. Let’s have a look at some of these new
free software VCs.”