
Linux Top 5: Linux 3.x Matures as GNOME Fork Calls ‘Grow’

“It seems like just yesterday we were all using a Linux 2.6.x
kernel (most of us still are). Now, Linus Torvalds has announced
the first release candidate for Linux 3.1. That’s right, 3.1 not
3.0.1 (which is our No. 2 story for the week).

With the Linux 3.0 kernel name change comes the new numbering
system. So instead of the 2.6.x.y approach where x is the major
version and y is the minor update, Linux 3.0 takes a 3.x.y
approach. That’s one digit less, which presumably makes numbering
easier. Torvalds had complained after the 2.6.39 release that the
kernel numbers were getting too big after all.

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