Thanks to Donncha O
Caoimh for this link.
A report has been posted on the CorkLUG web site about the recent NT Vs
Linux debate in Cork city.
“On July 2nd, 1999, Cork Business Innovation Centre held a Linux
vs NT debate in the Hospitality Room, Beamish & Crawford Plc,
South Main St., Cork.”
“I’m writing this from memory so please excuse the generalised
view of the debate! The night went well, All speakers spoke well
about their topics and obviously knew about their subject matter. I
was disappointed to hear some well known FUD[1] paraphrased by both
camps. I don’t remember the details, but saying that, “NT had a
staggering growth rate of xx% in 199x compared to the Unix growth
of (very small number)%.” At the time NT was the new boy in town,
with a very small installed base. Unix has a huge installed base so
you’d expect it’s growth to be mostly flat in comparision. The
Linux guys were just as guilty on this count as well! Although this
was an NT Vs Linux debate, one thing became obvious from the very
start. Neither of the pro-NT debators was really anti-Linux! They,
in fact, argued quite well for Linux in the questions and answers
session afterwards!”