
LinuxPlanet: Heading Beyond Wall Street–HP’s Linux-Enabled Blade Workstation

“Hewlett-Packard is eyeing additional markets for a new
Linux-enabled remote blade workstation solution, already in use at
Lloyds TSB and several other big financial trading firms.

“‘There’s nothing else quite like this available right now. But
just wait. Other vendors will be coming into this area soon,’ said
Gene Kim, consulting manager at IDC Financial Insights, during a
recent HP customer and press event in New York City.

“Before turning to the HP Blade Workstation Solution, Lloyds TSB
found that the Windows XP PCs on the trading room floor kept
temperatures so hot that some traders actually showed up at work in
shorts, according to Tom Walker, IT director of the UK-based
company’s Financial Markets Division…”


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