
LinuxPlanet: Linux at the (Server)Beach

“It is somewhat interesting to watch the slow ebb of enthusiasm
the Linux community has recently started showing for the continuing
adoption of Linux in the enterprise arena. With each new
announcement, the excitement seems to dim, as Linux’s advance in
the corporate world continues its slow, inexorable advances.

“So the reader can be forgiven for not getting too excited when
learning that Linux is being used by one of the biggest
consumer-level Internet Server Providers out there today. After
all, Linux (with Apache) is rather synonymous with the Internet
servers of the world.

“And yet, when ServerBeach makes such a claim, it actually does
go a bit beyond the ho-hum, another day, another Tux convert.
Because what this ISP is doing with Linux realizes some of the full
potential of the operating system not just as a network
administration platform but also as a configurable resource…”


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