Looking at the world wide growth of F/OSS (Free / Open Source
Software), the Association of Open Source in Indonesia (AOSI),
who’s members are observers, developers, trainers, users, as well
as supporters of open source movement; and in cooperation with
State Ministry of Research and Technology (Ristek), and the
Department of Communication and Information (Depkominfo), will be
hosting the “Global Conference on Open Source” at Shangri-La Hotel
Jakarta, on 26-27 October 2009.
RELEASE (News Update)
Conference on Open Source (GCOS) will be held in Jakarta, on 26-27
October 2009
September 15, 2009.With support from the Ministry of Research and Technology and
the Department of Communication and informatics, Association of
Open Source Indonesia (AOSI) is currently preparing a great event
titled â€oeGlobal
Conference on Open Sourceâ€.
This event is scheduled to be held in Jakarta on
October 26 to 27, 2009 and is targeted to be attended by 500
participants, 50% of them are delegates from various countries
around the world.
Global Conference on Open Source
(GCOS) aims to bring the global open source community together in
order to address the growing demand for open source technology in
every social spectrum. GCOS will generate an international
collaboration among governments, businesses, academicians, and
communities to strengthen the position of open source, making it
more attractive and valuable for the society at large.
Indonesia, through GCOS we expect to build momentum for the growth
of national ICT industry and to promote Indonesiaâ€TMs
leadership in Open Source Software to the international community,”
said Betti Alisjahbana, Chief Organizer
In a meeting organized by the GCOS
Committee on September 11, 2009 at the Ministry or Research and
technology office in Jakarta, various aspects of GCOS event
such as speakers confirmation, venue and participants was
Nearly 100% of Indonesian speakers
have confirmed their participation They are: Dr Zainal Hasibuan
from the National ICT Board (DeTIKNas), Dr. Gatot HP from SEAMOLEC
(Southeast Asian Minister of Education Organization Regional Open
Learning Center, Dr Onno W Purbo (the National ICT activist), and
from various institutions such as Telkom, Samudera Indonesia,
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province, Jembrana District (Bali),
BlankOn Linux, Sangkuriang Studio, University of Gajah Mada,
Department of Communication and Informatics, CommonRoom, and
Bandung Istitute of Technology.
Many International speakers such
as Todishiro YOSHIDA (NTT Japan),Dr
Clam Webb (Harvard University), Richard Randriatoamanana (CNRS
France), Prof. A Min Tjoa (Vienna University of Technology), Ms
Andrea Reimer (Councilor, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada), and
Prof. Rajanish Dass (Indian Institute of Management) have confirmed their
participation. In addition, Asia Open Source Software (AOSS) and
NECTEC Thailand have also confirmed to participate.
The GCOS committee is at the moment
finalizing several more confirmation from other international
speakers from MAMPU (Malaysia), SITA (South Africa), Gendarmeri
Nationale (France Police), MIC(Japan), NICTA(Australia), TEC (New
Zealand), Indian State of Kerala, Open Source Initiative,
Extremadura Regional Government (Spain), KERIS (Korea),
Asianux, (Korea), Bayanihan Linux
(Philipines), IBM, Sun Micro System, Userful, Inc (Canada), Kerstel
Signal Processing(USA), Ubuntu, Canonical Inc (UK), dan OpenSUSE,
Novell (German/USA).
Several workshops will also be
conducted during the conference.
For more information and
registration please visit GCOS official
website at http://gcos.info .
GCOS Committee
Head of MarComm GCOS
+62 21 95298429 /+628177 2 1969
Media Contact:
Tarsih Ekaputra
Intuisi Public Relations
+62 21 7280 1922
+ 6221 9240 17 08 / +62 8567 515