“In Chicago, April 18th through 20th, up to 320 Linuxers
will compete head to head in a Quake 3 Arena tournament.“
“Do you always seem to win all the Q3 matches in the office LAN
games? Are you sick and tired of never finding an opponent worthy
of fighting you? Are you prepared to slaughter your fellow Linux
users? Do you have an insatiable thirst for death, destruction,
demise, fame, fortune, and glory? Then you have arrived at the
right place.”
“Tuesday, Apr 18, 2000 through Thursday, Apr 20, 2000 in
Chicago, IL (at the Linux Business Expo), we are hosting a Quake 3
Arena tournament. The tournament spans over 3 days. The first day
is the 8-man deathmatches where 40 out of 320 original players are
left standing. The end of the second day finds 10 players
remaining. The third day will reveal the best Quake 3 Arena players
at the tournament.”