
Microsoft Badmouths Linix [sic] in 1998, Envisions a Nightmare

[ Thanks to Roy
for this link. ]

“TODAY’s Comes vs Microsoft exhibit is Exhibit
px06394 [PDF]. Although it is approximately a decade old, it is
still rather enlightening because of the people whom it involves.
One of them is currently a threat to GNU/Linux (maybe the biggest
threat), being the world’s biggest patent hoarder, who
recently turned aggressive via satellites. Mere
‘bystanders’ in this conversation are Bill Gates, Eric
Rudder, Gordon Bell, Rick Rashid, Chuck Thacker, Roger Needham,
Paul Maritz, Jim Allchin, Gregory Faust, Dan Rosen, Greg Maffei,
Charles Simonyi, and Mike Murray.

“As a little bit of background, here is what we know about
Microsoft’s gradual discovery of GNU/Linux. In 1997, Bill
Gates expressed his great concern about LUNIX [sic]. In 1999 came
the Halloween Documents and Jim Allchin said that he was “scared”
of GNU/Linux a few years later. “We are not on a path to win
against Linux,” he alarmingly wrote to his colleagues.”


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