
Open-Source Software Vendor Red Hat Updates JBoss Platforms

“Open-source software vendor Red Hat (NYSE:RHT) updated a trio
of its JBoss products this week with new SOA, Web server and
developer tools.

“The new updates include the JBoss SOA Platform 5.0, Enterprise
Web Platform 5.0 and JBoss Developer Studio (JBDS) 3.0 releases. At
the core of Red Hat’s product updates are features and enhancements
that aim to optimize the products and make them more usable.

“”The theme of the announcement is giving IT greater
productivity, visibility and control,” Pierre Fricke, Red Hat’s
JBoss SOA product line director told InternetNews.com. “Developer
and administrator productivity have been improved and that’s
important from a cost and time-to-market perspective.”

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