
O’Reilly: Linux is… The Bachelor!

“Sun stood with one hand on her hip and the other twirling her
long, pretty blonde hair. ‘I really like Linux. I think he’s really
got it together. I mean he has so much energy. I can definitely see
myself as Mrs. Linux.’

“Novell, an equally attractive brunette, stood next to her.
‘Linux has gotten to a point in his life where he’s ready to settle
down. He’s maturing. I think he sees how much I can add to his life
right now. I hope he doesn’t break my heart–I’m really falling for

“These two girls–beautiful and smart like all the others–were
here to compete for the hand of Linux. They all felt that if only
Linux got to know them better, he would see that *they* were the
right choice for him…”


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