
PRNewswire: VA Linux Systems Secures $25 Million in Equity Funding

“Second Round of Financing Fuels Rapid Growth of Promising Linux

“VA Linux Systems… has completed a $25 million round of
private equity funding in a second round of financing. Companies
participating in this round of financing include the Capital
Research Group, W.R. Hambrecht + Co., Intel Corporation, IDG
Ventures, Lehman Brothers, Sequoia Capital, SGI, Sumitomo
Corporation and Presidio Venture Partners.

“Since its inception, VA has been leading the growing migration
of computer users from Windows NT, NetWare and Unix operating
systems to Linux, the award- winning open source operating system,
by providing complete, pre-installed Linux computer systems and
nationwide service and support. Last month, VA introduced
Linux.com, a portal for consumers, business users and programmers
interested in Linux.”

Complete story

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