
SJMercury/Reuters: Dresdner backs Linux-based software, a banking first

[ Thanks to George
for this link. ]

“The investment banking arm of Germany’s Dresdner Bank AG has
teamed up with Silicon Valley-based CollabNet to offer an
innovative system that thrusts Linux software into the heart of the
banking world.”

“Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein Tuesday plans to announce the
new software system based on Linux, Apache and other “open source”
Web software tools that could radically simplify and speed how
corporate clients move money within and among banks.”

“And in a move that would have once been considered an anathema
to the secretive banking world, Dresdner Kleinwort plans to freely
release its “openadaptor” plumbing software to programmers in the
the wider “open source” community.”

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