
The Linux Foundation’s “Community” Doesn’t Look Very Community

“And check out the winning Fake Linus– Matt Asay, who I would
not characterize as any kind of great Linux advocate; his views on
Linux and FOSS change as often as he publishes a new blog posting,
which is several times a day. But at least Mr. Asay has some
genuine FOSS creds. But not as many as the runner-up Jono

“Dan Lyons as contestant is just plain baffling. You might
recall this is the same Dan Lyons who used to publish reams of
anti-Linux trolling and pro-SCO guff for Forbes magazine. So what
happened, wasn’t Rob Enderle available? Or Maureen O’Gara? With
Ms.O’Gara you get a twofer– anti-Linux troll and your token woman.
I suppose it’s a play on his schtick as Fake Steve Jobs, which is
about as relevant to Linux and community-building as any random
celebrity impersonator. A Fake Elvis would have been better, then
we would have some cool music to listen to.”


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