Check this out, Dude — anyone within driving distance of
Cambridge, Massachusetts on Thursday, February 4, 1999, 5 – 7
The event will be hosted by Sloan Dean Richard Schmalensee
(Remember him? Just days ago, he was a major witness for Microsoft
in the Microsoft anti-trust trial.)
“The Sloan School Digital Time Capsule symbolizes the leadership
role of MIT and the Sloan School in technology and business today.
It will contain digitized artifacts and memorabilia capturing The
Internet and Business in 1999, such as:
“…the Euro,, Lotus Notes with Domino, Linux, the
Asian economic slowdown, online auctions, skyrocketing IPOs,
Microsoft trial, bartering online, Monica Lewinsky, online resumes,
personal homepages, portals, Dilbert, RealPlayer, Lester Thurow,
MP3, Impeachment, South Park, Slate,…
“The digital time capsule will also contain Predictions for the
Future of the Internet by celebrities and by everyday people. The
capsule will be opened in the year 2004.”
For the media: Dean Schmalensee is available for interviews and
photos are available.