[ Thanks to Jason
Greenwood for these links. ]
Computerworld: Novell Users: SUSE Linux and Ximian Deals Could
Put Company Back on Track
“After years of watching Novell Inc. lose market share to
Microsoft Corp. and other vendors, a lot of Novell users are saying
the company’s decision to acquire SUSE Linux AG could be exactly
what’s needed to revitalize the middle-aged developer of
NetWare.“Together with its acquisition earlier this year of Linux
desktop vendor Ximian Inc., Novell’s $210 million purchase of SUSE,
announced on Tuesday, will help make the company’s product
offerings more compelling, users said…”
Computerworld NZ: Novell Buys Well with SuSE, Locals Say
“In New Zealand, the main impact will be on public perceptions
of Linux, says David Lane, interim co-ordinator of Linux vendor
group Openz.“‘There’s a large, loyal Novell-installed base here and they’ll
look more favourably at migrating to Linux. With IBM also investing
in Novell, it should increase confidence within the New Zealand
Novell user base…'”