
Virtual Control – Linux, VirtualBox and OS/2 or eComStation

[ Thanks to Gene
for this link. ]

“This is part one of a two part article about a
“real life” control system that is a candidate for
moving to a VM on Linux. This control system is being used right
now in a real manufacturing facility.

“Last year in February I wrote the article “Windows 98?
Linux and VirtualBox! (Maybe)“. It is about using VirtualBox
to perhaps keep an old Windows 98 system running in a virtual
machine (VM). In that article I touched on the concept of a
business that runs a system controller on old hardware that may be
saved by moving the system to a VM. This article is a follow-up on
that concept to cover a recent test we did at ERACC for moving a
control system from “real” hardware to a VM. I have not
asked permission to name names so I will just call the company that
contacted me “client” and use first names only for the
people involved.”

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