The Motley Fool: SCO’s Slow Death Spiral
“You know those movies? The ones where the ultimate, bloody
ending is played through painful slow-mo? Will the protagonists get
their bullets? Of course. It’s just a matter of waiting. In the
meantime, try not to wince too much at the graphic carnage.“Think of that the next time you think of the SCO Group. Today,
SCO was forced to announce that it may find its stock delisted from
the Naz on account of a late 10-K. How the mighty have fallen. From
an early Linux advocate to open-source pariah, SCO Group, under the
leadership of bellicose CEO Darl McBride, has turned into nothing
but a lawsuit and a prayer…”
eWeek: SCO’s NASDAQ Woes No Surprise to Open-Source World
[ Thanks to Steven J.
Vaughan-Nichols for this link. ]
“Fredrick Berenstein, chairman and chief technology officer of
Xandros, a Linux desktop distributor, for one, said he wasn’t ‘the
least bit’ surprised.“‘SCO’s plunging revenue showed the fragility of the way they’ve
been operating,’ Berenstein said…”