
Wired: RIAA Wins Suit Against MP3.com

“Months of legal wrangling came to a head Friday when Judge Jed
S. Rakoff for the Southern District of New York issued a terse
order holding MP3.com “liable for copyright infringement.”

“Rakoff said in the one-page order that he would explain his
verdict in two weeks. The judge and counsel for each side will meet
at 5 p.m. EDT Friday to discuss how the ruling will be implemented,
said a consultant for the RIAA.”

“We think this is a loss for the labels,” Robertson said in a
conference call. “When a responsible system like my.mp3.com
which requires people to buy the CDs before they can listen to the
music is potentially halted, that leaves a vacuum for other
services like Napster and Gnutella, which don’t protect artists, to


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