
ZDNet: Sun to Name Linux-Solaris Chief

“John Loiacono, Sun Microsystems’ former chief marketing
officer, will take over a key new role managing the server seller’s
Linux and Solaris software, the company is expected to announce

“Sun for years has trumpeted its Solaris version of Unix as one
of the cornerstones of its computer sales. Sun Chief Executive
Scott McNealy debuted computers using a second operating system,
Linux, at a news conference Monday as the LinuxWorld Conference and
Expo got under way. Loiacono will be in the hot seat for juggling
those two priorities.

“Much of the success of the new LX50 Linux server line depends
on how well Sun balances investments into Linux and Solaris–for
example, bringing to Linux the Sun Open Network Environment (Sun
ONE) software that currently runs on Solaris. Software will be key
to Sun’s argument that the new servers are part of Sun’s family and
not an unloved stepchild…”


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