
Chakra GNU/Linux Users Receive KDE Applications 16.08, VirtualBox 5.1.4, More

Chakra GNU/Linux is a rolling operating system, which means that users are always getting the latest security and software updates as soon as they’re out upstream. Therefore, today we would like to inform you about the availability of the recently released KDE Applications 16.08.0 software suite and KDE Frameworks 5.25.0 collection of add-ons for Qt5 in the distribution’s repos. Besides the addition of KDE Applications 16.08 and KDE Frameworks 5.25.0, the Chakra GNU/Linux developers also managed to update various other popular open source applications. As such, users can now install the VirtualBox 5.1.4, Wine 1.9.16, Vim 7.4.2207, and Ruby 2.3.1 software on their Chakra GNU/Linux operating systems, along with several other updated packages.

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