The exact release date of the Debian GNU/Linux 9 “Stretch” distribution has not yet been announced, but we’re now fully aware of the supported hardware architectures, which includes 64-bit (amd64), 32-bit (i386), AArch64 (ARM64), MIPS, MIPS 64-bit Little Endian (mips64el), Armel, ARMhf, IMB System z (s390x), MIPS Little Endian (MIPSel), and PowerPC 64-bit Little Endian (ppc64el). As you can see, the Debian Project decide that it’s time to deprecate the support for the PowerPC (PPC) hardware architecture from the Debian GNU/Linux operating system, starting with the upcoming Debian GNU/Linux 9 “Stretch” release. Also in question is if the PPC (powerpc) port remain an architecture in the main FTP archive of the GNU/Linux distribution.
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