
Exton|Defender Super Rescue System Is Now Based on Fedora 25 and Cinnamon 3.2.8

Based on the 64-bit version of the Fedora 25 operating system, Exton|Defender SRS Build 170218 comes with up-to-date tools that let you administrate and repair your operating system after a disaster. It’s now powered by the Linux 4.9.9 kernel and uses the gorgeous Cinnamon 3.2.8 desktop environment by default. Among the popular tools pre-installed in the new Exton|Defender Super Rescue System (SRS) release, we can mention GParted, PartImage, NTFS-3G, Shred, GNU ddrescue, FSArchiver, TestDisk, Sfdisk (util-linux-ng), Midnight Commander, and rsync. Of course, users will also find various other apps for all of their daily computing needs.

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