SuiteCRM is a fork of the popular open source SugarCRM Community Edition.
To install SuiteCRM on an Ubuntu VPS follow the very easy steps described below.
Make sure your Ubuntu 14.04 Linux VPS is fully up to date using:
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
At the time of writing this tutorial, the latest stable version of SuiteCRM is 7.1.5 and it requires:
PHP with GD graphics library, cURL, IMAP, mbstring, JSON, PCRE, XML, ZLIB and ZIP PHP extensions enabled.
Apache Web Server = 2.x+
MySQL = 5.x installed on your Linux virtual server.
Download the latest version of SuiteCRM available at to the /opt directory on the server. Then, extract it and move the SuiteCRM files and directories to the ???/var/www/html/suitecrm??? directory using the following commands: