iLinux, a new Linux distribution
Hello everyone. We at iLinux welcome you. We are trying to develop a new Linux distribution which we will try to be as easy and user friendly as possible. Why we are doing it when there are lots of distributions already available. Actually we try to address those shortcomings due to which Linux is not so successful in the desktop world. I will give an example for that. Suppose you are adding new hardware to your linux system. If the kernel supports it, it will be added. If the kernel doesn’t has support for it and there is a device driver availabe on the internet. Now the user will have to download a .tar.gz file, uncompress it, compile it, remove any errors, then link it etc.
Remember that this is the ordinary user who may not know how to perform these steps. On MS Windows, it is quite??easy even for a novice user. We belive that 90% of the users will not be able to perform the above task on Linux. Similarly an enterprise user tries to log in into active directory from his Linux laptop. This is a very complex job for him, requiring editing multiple files, trying different commands. We believe this should be a simple GUI utility so that the user just supplies his credentials and logs on just like on Windows.
Release Model:??We prefer a hybrid rolling release model where the latest updates are tested and released after around 1 month. We try to have the benefits of the rolling release model with testing of updates for roughly a one month period.
Based On: Our distribution is currently based on Ubuntu and in the future we plan to base it on debian to have more control over??the process.??
Extra features:??We plan to make iLinux as easy to use as Microsoft Windows and MacOSX. In lots of cases, Linux is already there or even ahead. we plan to add those missing pieces.??We plan to provide out of the box support for crucial apps such as skype, dropbox etc.
Support: The distribution will have support through online forums and help documents. We plan to provide subscription based model as well so that anyone who wants more focused support can get it from us.
Initial version: Over initial version v0.1 is released and is based on Ubuntu 19.04 with very minor changes. We are now planning v0.2.
Artificial Intelligence: We plan to use AI in our distribution. e.g., making a voice controlled assistant for the linux desktop. It would talk to use like ???ok google?????? on android and like siri for iphone. This objective can take some time to develop.
We want to have maximum compatibility with other linux distributions. and we plan to use the existing linux standards as much as possible.
If you would like to support iLinux in any possible way, you are most welcome. Consider supporting us on patreon ( The url for the distribution is for now until we move to our new infrastructure. Any other help like writing documents, finding bugs is highly appreciated.
Looking forward,
The iLinux team.