“Sun Microsystems President and COO Jonathan Schwartz made a
dramatic debut in the blogosphere this summer. Anyone who has met
Schwartz knows that he speaks passionately and persuasively about
Sun technologies, and I’m looking forward to hearing more of his
unmediated voice in his Weblog. One of his early posts (‘Competing
against a social movement’) got me thinking about how I ended up
placing my IT bets on Linux (the ‘social movement’ referred to in
Schwartz’s blog) these past few years and, more importantly, where
my platform commitments should lie in the future.“Later in that same blog, Schwartz writes Linux as ‘linux,’ with
this accompanying explanation: ‘Now, I put linux in quotes (with
all deference and respect) because that one word wasn’t just one
product–it was, in effect, a reprise of the open source movement
on which Sun was founded…'”