Inverse Path is proud to announce the USB armory project, an open source hardware design, implementing a flash drive sized computer for security applications.
The USB armory is a compact USB powered device that provides a platform for developing and running a variety of applications.
The security features of the USB armory System on a Chip (SoC), combined with the openness of the board design, empower developers and users with a fully customizable USB trusted device for open and innovative personal security applications.
The USB armory hardware is supported by standard software environments and requires very little customization effort. In fact vanilla Linux kernels and standard distributions run seamlessly on the tiny USB armory board.
The capability of emulating arbitrary USB devices in combination with the SoC speed, the security features and the flexible and fully customizable operating environment, makes the USB armory the ideal platform for all kinds of personal security applications.
The Inverse Path team, with the help of the open source community, will develop applications that fully explore the potential of the USB armory board.
The USB armory will be available for pre-order soon. Delivery of the device before the end of 2014 is planned.
Target applications:
– mass storage device with advanced features such as automatic encryption, virus scanning, host authentication and data self-destruct
– OpenSSH client and agent for untrusted hosts (kiosk)
– router for end-to-end VPN tunnelling
– password manager with integrated web server
– electronic wallet (e.g. pocket Bitcoin wallet)
– authentication token
– portable penetration testing platform
– low level USB security testing
Key features:
– Freescale i.MX53 ARM?? Cortex???-A8 800Mhz, 512MB DDR3 RAM
– USB host powered (