Coming five weeks after the release of LibreOffice 6.2.5, the LibreOffice 6.2.6 maintenance update is here with months of back-ported fixes and all the latest security patches to make your LibreOffice experience more stable and reliable. That’s why, The Document Foundation now recommends the LibreOffice 6.2 series to users in production environments. LibreOffice 6.2.6 includes a total of 44 changes. The next and last scheduled point release in the LibreOffice 6.2 series will be LibreOffice 6.2.7, a maintenance update that is expected to be released in mid-October 2019 with minor bug fixes. After that, the LibreOffice 6.2 office suite will be supported until November 30, 2019, but no new bug or security fixes will be released in the meantime.
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