
Linux Kernel 4.14 LTS Just Around the Corner as Linus Torvalds Outs Seventh RC

Linus Torvalds announced the release of Linux kernel 4.14 RC7 last evening as part of his normal Sunday announcements, giving us a heads up to what’s coming next to the development cycle of the next LTS Linux kernel branch. Long story short, he didn’t yet decide if to push the final Linux 4.14 build next week or an extra RC, which could delay the development of Linux kernel 4.15. While RC7 appears to be a normal release, Linus Torvalds want the next long-term supported Linux kernel series to be as stable as possible, so he might just delay the final release with a week and announce the eighth Release Candidate at the end of the week. As for RC7, is contains mostly networking improvements, but there are a few changes to supported filesystems and architectures too.

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